Ladies and Gentlemen, todays subject needs no introduction. It is a pleasure to have him here today. Presidential candidate, Stoke Monkey.
1. Tell us about who you are and what it is you do.
My name is Stoke Monkey. I am a regular on The Wrestling Mayhem Show and I am currently running for president of the
2. Why did you get into social media?
One day I was having a conversation with my good friend Michael Sorg about a few of his many endeavors and he happened to mention Podcamp. I had been listening to a number of podcasts (Should I Drink That, Sportsocracy, Radio Free Burrito and TheGSpod to name a few) and he asked if I wanted to make an appearance on his show, The Wrestling Mayhem Show. I was thrilled. This was before I had any aspirations to become president of the
3. What is it that you love about social media?
2 words. Free. Advertising. I haven’t spent one thin dime on my campaign, even though lobbyists keep throwing money at me for one reason or another. Between you and me? I paid off my mortgage and got a few new houses thanks to those suckers. I got a new place on
4. What keeps you coming back? Why do you keep creating content?
See that? I need one more house and that's it. Ever swing on the chandelier in the
5. What is it that you want to accomplish with your media?
I want to lead, to inspire and to rule. My fellow Americans, we are facing a time of turmoil in
~Stoke Monkey~
~Eek Eek~
This message was paid for by the friends and followers of Lord Stoke Monkey.